M I D E M   2 0 2 4  -  International Conference on Microelectronics, Devices and Materials
with the Workshop on Electromagnetic Compatibility: From Theory to Practice


The 59th International Conference on MIcroelectronics, DEvices and Materials, MIDEM 2024, continues the tradition of annual international conferences organized by the MIDEM Society. These conferences have always attracted a large number of Slovene and foreign experts working in these fields.

The topics covered by the conference are quite diverse, and presenting about 60 papers in five sessions over three days seems rather demanding. However, once a year scientists and engineers have the opportunity to present their work to the international public and to meet and discuss trends, news and problems related to their field of work. We believe that this at least balances the effort required by the attendees and the organizer.

The conference is well known in the electronics community. Hundreds of distinguished scientists from all over the world have taken part in previous MIDEM conferences. The goal of establishing contacts, collaboration and friendship among scientists and their companies remains the main aim for the organizer.

Therefore, you are kindly invited to take part in the forthcoming :

59th International Conference on Microelectronics,
Devices and Materials - MIDEM 2024 Conference

October 2nd - 4th, 2024

The conference and the Workshop will be held at Rimske Terme, Rimske Toplice, Slovenia.



Paper and abstract instructions are published on Call for Papers page.

Latest MIDEM conferences:

  • MIDEM Conference 2023
  • MIDEM Conference 2022
  • MIDEM Conference 2021
  • MIDEM Conference 2020
  • MIDEM Conference 2019
  • MIDEM Conference 2018
  • MIDEM Conference 2017
  • MIDEM Conference 2016
  • MIDEM Conference 2015
  • MIDEM Conference 2014
  • MIDEM Conference 2013
  • MIDEM Conference 2012
  • MIDEM Conference 2011
  • MIDEM Conference 2010
  • MIDEM Conference 2009
  • MIDEM Conference 2008
  • MIDEM Conference 2007
  • MIDEM Conference 2006
  • MIDEM Conference 2005
  • MIDEM Conference 2004
  • MIDEM Conference 2003
  • MIDEM Conference 2002
  • MIDEM Conference 2001

  • Journal "Informacije MIDEM" (ISSN: 0352-9045)

    The Journal 'Informacije MIDEM', published quarterly by the MIDEM Society, is a professional - scientific - society publication with a 30 year tradition. In the Journal, contributions of domestic and foreign authors are published covering the field of microelectronics, electronic components and materials. It is actually the central scientific Journal covering this field in Slovenia.

    MIDEM Society:

    MIDEM Society - Society for Microelectronics, Electronic Components and Materials located in Ljubljana, Slovenia, is an international society integrating experts from all over the world, working in the field of microelectronics, electronic components and materials.

    The main activities of MIDEM are :

    1. Publishing of scientific Journal "Informacije MIDEM"
    2. Organization of International Conference on Microelectronics, Devices and Materials - MIDEM Conference
    3. Organization of professional seminars, workshops and colloquia and publishing activity covering the field.

    As a recognised expert in the field of microelectronics, electronic components and materials, You are invited to become a member of MIDEM and actively take part in its activities and actions.

    MIDEM ConfMIDEM Conference homepage is edited by the   Laboratory of Photovoltaics and Optoelectronics, Faculty of Electrical Engineering,   University of Ljubljana